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License Activation

Before purchasing a bot from the store, you need to be on the Support Discord. After purchasing a bot from the Store and using the correct Discord account, you will be automatically added and receive a private message from the License bot.

How do I activate my bot?​

Bot Commands​

/helper list-Lists your helpers.
/helper update-Activates the license/HWID for the product where the owner has added you.
/helper add-Adds a helper.
/helper remove-Removes a helper.
/license display-Lists all your products with License Key
/license hwid-Updates/activates a product with the HWID.
/license notes-Adds notes.
/reset hwid-Reset a HWID.
/reset license-Reset a License Key.

Always remember to have the License Key in the config to ensure the bot starts correctly.


You can also perform all commands privately with the author bot.


For any questions or issues, visit the Support Discord.